Friday, May 24, 2013

Compiling Geany on Windows

Can't remember exactly how many times I've tried compiling Geany or even thought of trying to compile it on Windows.  But I remember that my last try was last 2011 -- about February or March.

It's been a while that I've been trying to find a stable and reliable free and open source (not to mention cross-platform) Source Code Editing software so I could strip it down to provide an IDE specifically functioning for my open source game creation project called KAGE.  Finally, -- finally! -- I successfully compiled it yesterday!

I know that Geany's project page has a how-to page for compiling it on Windows but I still had bumps along the way.  This tutorial is simply to compliment what seems to be missing in the official tutorial.

So, just a recap. You need to have this things done already:

Not sure if we also need the GtkMM for Scintilla, but I did have that installed on my machine before I tried compiling Geany for the last time.

Before we proceed, let's make sure that you had the contents of GCC and GTK+ under C:\libs directory.  And that C:\libs\bin is added on your %PATH%, as well as C:\libs\msys\1.0\bin.

Now, for the `complimentary' part of my tutorial.

First, download the Manifest file from Geany's Git repo, which was not included in the downloadable zipped source code.

Rename win32-config.h to config.h then change the content of makefile.win32 from

all: config.h
 $(MAKE) -C tagmanager/ctags -f makefile.win32
 $(MAKE) -C tagmanager/mio -f makefile.win32
 $(MAKE) -C tagmanager/src -f makefile.win32
 $(MAKE) -C scintilla -f makefile.win32
 $(MAKE) -C plugins -f makefile.win32
 $(MAKE) -C src -f makefile.win32

config.h: win32-config.h
 $(CP) $< $@

to this

all: $(MAKE) -C tagmanager/ctags -f makefile.win32
 $(MAKE) -C tagmanager/mio -f makefile.win32
 $(MAKE) -C tagmanager/src -f makefile.win32
 $(MAKE) -C scintilla -f makefile.win32
 $(MAKE) -C plugins -f makefile.win32
 $(MAKE) -C src -f makefile.win32

The reason behind is that, there seems to be wrong with the makefile that the command COPY thinks config.h is supposed to be a directory.

Now, open a command line then run cd to the directory where you extracted Geany's source code.

Finally, type-in: make -f makefile.win32

Wait for it to compile and you'll then end up a very fresh build of Geany on Windows.


Friday, February 8, 2013

LMMS: Fixing distorted sound

So I have been casually using Linux Multimedia Studio, or LMMS, since 2010.  It is a really good free and open source alternative to FruityLoops.

I won't go detailing how great this tool is for digitally creating your music as I am assuming you bump onto this post already knowing what LMMS is.

One issue of this tool on Windows is that LMMS keeps distorting your (if I may) compositions, adding buzz and other weirdness to your music.

The problem is even added on its Troubleshooting page but it is still currently unanswered as of this post.

Luckily, the answer is actually already on its Forums posted by a fellow LMMS user, darkill.  And it's just waiting for someone to add it on LMMS' Wiki.

For archiving purposes (just in case the forums and/or the wiki won't be accessible), let me state the steps here on this post.

Open DirectX Diagnostic Tool
  1. Open a Command Prompt
  2. Type-in: dxdiag
  3. Check the tabs with labels "Sound1", "Sound2", etc.
  4. Check for the Driver's name (mine is STWRT.SYS)
  5. Take note of this now do the next steps 
Update LMMS Settings
  1. Run our favorite digital music authoring tool called LMMS :)
  2. Go to Edit -> Settings
  3. Now goto Audio Settings
  4. Change the Audio Interface to SDL (Simple DirectMedia Layer)
  5. Then specify your Driver's Name of your Audio Device on Settings for SDL
Now restart LMMS and hope that the distortion and other weirdness on your music is gone.

Happy composing!
